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Garage Organization

In this step-by-step tutorial, I’m showing you how to organize your garage for only $46!

  1. Declutter before you begin.

  2. Buy garage hooks.

  3. Take everything out of the space and sweep.

  4. Categorize your items based on how frequently you use them.

  5. Source List

  6. Free “Garage Organization Plan”

  7. Video Tutorial

the before

  1. Declutter before you begin.

This is our first time having a garage and boy we have filled it up quickly with junk. I mean, things that we need but don’t have the urgency to organize right away.

Our last home only had a carport so we didn’t have the space to keep all of our outdoor items in one place. It feels like a luxury to have a garage with space to put outdoor equipment and gardening supplies. With space comes the need to organize.

What’s worse is that everyone driving into our neighborhood sees the front of our house and everything in our garage. I felt embarrassed when we would open the garage to leave and our entire neighborhood could see all of our disorganized junk.

So before organizing the garage, I went through everything on the floor and tried to throw away as much as I could. For example, any old boxes, packaging, or broken items. Items that we didn’t need but were still in good working condition, I donated.

So ask yourself.

  1. Is there anything that I don’t need but could donate?

  2. Is there anything that is broken and needs to be replaced? Write it on a list.

  3. What packaging can I throw away?

2. Buy garage hooks.

I found these 3 sets of hooks at Lowes for only $46!

Blue Hawk 8-Pack Black Steel Multipurpose Hook

Blue Hawk 5.71-in Gray Plastic Multi-tool Hanger

Blue Hawk 10-Pack Gray Steel Multipurpose Hook

If you plan on living in your current home forever, you can invest in some pretty cool garage organization systems from the Container Store. It’s beautiful but it is an investment.

3. Take everything out of the space and sweep.

I moved my car out of the garage and moved everything out of its current space so that I could sweep. The amount of leaves, snow salt and bugs, and spiders hidden behind our stuff is alarming.

TIP: This is a good tip to spray home barrier bug spray to prevent bugs from getting in through cracks and making the garage their new home.

4. Categorize your items based on how frequently you use them.

Frequently used items:

Yard Tools (mower, rakes, shovel)

Exercise Equipment (bike)

Gardening Supplies and Tools

Infrequently used items:

Outdoor Christmas Decorations

Specialty Sports Equipement

Weed Sprays

Items that you use frequently, place them within easy reach.

Items that you only need once a year, or less frequently, place them higher up on a shelf.

We are lucky that the previous homeowners built their own shelving unit in the garage. Since it is anchored to the wall, they left it for us.

5. Vow to put your items back in their new home to stay organized.

the after

FREE source list

no email required

FREE printable plan

no email required

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more organization projects

See this gallery in the original post